Inspire Us

Here at Tony Perotti we are always looking for ways to expand our product portfolio. For this we employ a design team that develops new products while all the time keeping an eye on our heritage and tradition.

Since our most important resource are our customers we thought we'd give our design team a short break to hear their ideas. Our promise to you is that we'll keep your information safe. If we decide to create a product out of or based on your idea, we will always contact you before we start the process of getting it from idea to product.

To top it all off, we'll provide you with the first three bags, wallets etc. which come off the line. If you feel you are ready to contribute to our excellent line of products.

Lets begin by filling out the information below. Oh, there are some requirements though: At the very least we need to know your fulll name and how to contact you by e-mail. And guess what: we really like sketches! So much so that we feel they're a requirement for communication of ideas. That's why we made adding a sketch mandatory.

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